

CA7 Contactor with auxiliary



Technical Tips & FAQs

How to properly remove the CA7 Side Mount Auxiliary

Question: What is the proper way to remove a side mount auxiliary contact from a CA7 without breaking off any of the four small plastic latches?

Answer: The small plastic latches that secure the auxiliary to the contactor can easily snap off when applying too much force. There are three easy steps for removing the auxiliary.

For smaller contactors and relays, sizes 9 to 23 amps
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

For larger contactors, sizes 30 amps and larger, or if the hand method above is problematic, a small 0.5 x 3mm flat head screwdriver can be used. Insert the tip of the screwdriver between the edge of the front of the auxiliary and side of the contactor. Give a small twist or flex to gently push the top of the auxiliary away from the side of the contactor. Now lift up and away with the other hand. NOTE: Going farther than .030" may result in the breaking of one or both of the two top side locking hooks.

This method applies to side mount auxiliary contacts with part numbers of CA7-PA-*. For complete instructions on all CA7 and CS7 coils and auxiliaries please see the instruction sheets in the Sprecher + Schuh library.

March 2015

Jason McCoy

Jason McCoy, Product Manager

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