

Overload Relays



Technical Tips & FAQs

CEP9 Overload Relay Hardware Fault

Question: How do I clear a CEP9 Overload Relay with a Hardware Fault (3 long, 7 short blink pattern)?

Answer: To clear a Hardware Fault on a CEP9 Overload Relay, cycle power on the relay and press the blue reset button located on the CEP9-ECM-ETR EtherNet/IP communication module. To prevent the problem from occurring again, verify that the CEP9 Overload Relay has the current firmware version. CEP9 Overload Relay firmware (EDS file) can be downloaded from the Sprecher + Schuh Literature Library.

Placing an RC surge suppressor on the contacts of an AC contactor coil greatly reduces the chances of this problem from occurring. Refer to the Selecting Surge Suppressors white paper.

June 2015

Jason McCoy

Jason McCoy, Product Manager

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