

L11 Disconnect Switches



Technical Tips & FAQs

Minimum Handle to Hinge distance on L11 Disconnects

Question: What is the Minimum distance from the enclosure door hinge to the center of a L11 rotary handle shaft?

Answer: For the L11 30A and 60A switches the instruction sheets inside the box show detailed information on the minimum distance required to properly operate L11/L10 switch handles.

However, the instruction sheets for the L11 100...1200A switches currently do not show a minimum distance requirements. To calculate the minimum distance for the 100A and larger switches, see the calculation and illustration below. The minimum distance information helps installers design their disconnect panels to ensure proper opening and closing of an enclosure door.

L11 minimum hinge to handle shaft distance

February 2015

Dhanihrys Lobaton

Mark Harris, Product Manager

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