

CA7 Contactors



Technical Tips & FAQs

How to determine the resistance of a CA7 Contactor Coil

Question: What is the resistance on my contactor coil?

Answer: With an Ohm meter, the contactor coil resistance can be measured using the A1-A2 terminals of the coil. But how do you know if the measurement is correct? In a troubleshooting situation it may be necessary to measure the coil resistance from the contactor coil. When measuring this resistance, a zero (a short circuit) or an infinity (an open circuit) is not what you want to see on your meter.

The resistance charts below for Series CA7 Contactors are not printed in the Sprecher & Schuh catalog, but may be helpful in these troubleshooting situations. If the coil resistance does not meet these specifications, there may be a connection or other problem. Contact technical support for assistance.

January 2014

Jason McCoy

Jason McCoy, Product Manager

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