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Contact Us

Technical Support/Information

Please let us know how we can contact you and details regarding your inquiry or support needs.

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  1. Name*
  2. Title
  3. Company*
  4. Mailing Address*
  5. City*    State/Prov.*    Zip/Postal*
  6. Phone
  7. Email Address*
  8. Are you a
    Sprecher + Schuh Distributor
    Sprecher + Schuh Dealer
    Sprecher + Schuh OEM
    New Visitor
  9. Do you currently use/purchase Sprecher+Schuh products? Yes No
    If so, about how many annually do you use?
  10. Which product do you need support for? (choose all that apply)
    Contactors Overloads Starters Softstarters Signaling Devices
    Circuit Protection Disconnect Switches Control Relays Motor Controls
    Multi-Motor Starter Application Industrial Code Compliance
    Request a printed catalog
    Other specific product you need help with  
  11. Please tell us how we can help you.