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Contact Us

Request a Quote

Please tell us which Auer Signaling products you are interested in and use the most.

  1. Name*
  2. Title
  3. Company*
  4. Mailing Address*
  5. City*    State/Prov.*    Zip/Postal*
  6. Phone
  7. Email Address*
  8. Are you a
    Sprecher + Schuh Distributor
    Sprecher + Schuh Dealer
    Sprecher + Schuh OEM
    New Visitor
  9. What does your company primarily produce?
  10. How did you hear about Auer Signal?  
  11. Do you currently use/purchase signaling devices? Yes No
    If so, about how many annually do you use?
  12. Which product(s) do you need a quote for? (choose all that apply)
    All signaling devices
    Tower Lights ECO40 SIGNAL50 ECO60 ECO70 HalfDome or Compact30
    Beacons Alarms Panel Mount Beacons & Alarms
    Horns & Sirens Telephones Explosion-proof Signaling
    Other specific product you need help with  
  13. Please tell us about your application so we can better serve you.